A daily routine of more than 1,000 residents in Kampung Nibong and Kampung Wakaf Simen, near here, has been hit harder for more than two months, when their main source of contaminated water supplies is allegedly due to logging activities.
Disappointed after no action had been taken, although complaints had been made to the relevant parties, residents of the two villages gathered peacefully to protest against the logging activity here, yesterday.
The Nibong Water Net Committee chairman Kamaruzaman Derahman, 51, claimed that logging activities on Bukit Kemahang caused a watershed or marker catchment which became the main source of water supply for the affected population.
His story, the logging activity caused the water supply to become turbid and cluttered, especially after the rain and the situation would last for several days.
"The problem of dirty water and can not be used immediately causes people to buy mineral water for daily use and this condition is definitely burdening the villagers," he said, yesterday.
Kamaruzaman claimed that the problem arose several days before Ramadan, when the parties started logging activities in the quarry sector owned by a quarry mining company on the hill.
"Some complaints have been made including sending a letter of protest to the state forestry office and State Land and Mines Office on Aug 7 but until today, no action was taken," he said.
A resident, Hassan Mohamad, 43, claimed that the problem was also complained to the quarry company, but the party ignored the hardship of the people.
"For me, there are many children who are still in school, the problem of dirty water is very troublesome especially to wash their school clothes so they have to send them to the laundry.
"For those who can not afford to send a laundry shop, they have to overtake the wells or boring water of the neighbors but are also ashamed that every day," he said, there were six children.
Hence, he urged the authorities to take action to overcome the problem including stopping logging activities in areas near the water mark.
For Mastura Harun, the problem of murky and wrinkled water caused her son's school clothes to be yellow, and even the water could not be used to take ablution for being too dirty.
"I asked the parties to bring us back the water and do not disturb the water spill which is our main source of water supply since decades ago," he said.
Hasnah Mohamad was unable to resist her when she told her difficulty because of the problem of dirty water, which is like the color of tea.
"I can not afford to live in such a condition as to wash clothes and can not afford to buy mineral water for daily use," he said.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Tubuh kita mengandungi lebih kurang 70% air.
Tubuh kita mengandungi lebih kurang 70% air.
Mutu air yang kita minum mempengaruhi mutu air yang terkandung di dalam tubuh kita.Tubuh kita mengandungi sel-sel. Begitu juga dengan bakteria.Kehilangan air mengakibatkan kita kehilangan tahap tenagaTanpa air, darah tidak dapat mengalir, oksigen dan khasiat-khasiat tidak dapat diangkut, sisa-sisa kumuhan tidak dapat disingkirkan dan organ badan tidak dapat berfungsi dengan lancar. Jikalau klorin membunuh bakteria, apakah yang anda jangkakan kesan klorin keatas sel-sel tubuh kita ? Hasil kajian menghubungkan produk sampingan klorin dan pengklorinan kepada kanser pundi kencing, hati, perut, rectum dan usus termasuklah penyakit jantung, atherosclerosis ( pengerasan saluran darah ), anemia ( kekurangan sel darah merah ), tekanan darah tinggi dan reaksi alahan. Ianya juga menyebabkan kerosakan kepada kulit dan rambut. Hanya terdapat satu jawapan - singkirkan klorin daripada air minuman & makanan. Penyakit bawaan air seperti Taun, Demam Kepialu, Hepatitis Berjangkit,Radang Perut dan Usus, Radang Membran Mata, penyakit-penyakit berkaitan cirit-birit, keracunan kulit, kanser dan ulser. Tanda utama kekurangan air adalah seperti pening kepala, kesukaran untuk tidur, keletihan, dan kurang daya kepekaan.Oleh yang demikian, kita perlu minum air yang sihat dan berkualiti tanpa dipengaruhi barangan tercemar, jika tidak ia hanya akan memburukkan lagi keadaan. Mungkin bagi kebanyakan kita, air seolah-olah tidak memainkan peranan yang begitu penting. Namun pada hakikatnya air, selain oksigen, merupakan bahan yang paling penting yang diperlukan oleh setiap manusia sepanjang hayatnya. Malangnya air sering diabaikan dalam diet, terutamanya di kalangan kanak-kanak. Dalam kajian yang dilakukan di Hong Kong baru-baru ini, hanya 50 peratus daripada mereka yang ditinjau minum air sebanyak lapan gelas sehari. Manakala, yang lain-lainnya hanya minum apabila berasa dahaga saja. Sebenarnya, kita perlu memberikan perhatian terhadap kebaikan minum air dan menggalakkan kanak-kanak berbuat sedemikian. Amalan minum air yang cukup akan dapat menghindarkan berlakunya pendehidtratan dan mengekalkan amalan membuang air besar. Di samping itu, kesihatan kulit dan rambut akan terjaga. Kita memperoleh air daripada cecair seperti air paip, susu, jus buah-buahan, kordial, minuman ringan dan sup. Makanan seperti nasi, roti, mi, buah-buahan, dan sayur-sayuran turut mempunyai sedikit air walaupun tidak cukup untuk memenuhi keperluan cecair kita. Air membentuk kira-kira 55-57 peratus daripada berat badan kita dan mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam hampir setiap fungsi utama badan. Air melaraskan suhu badan di samping membawa nutrien dan oksigen ke sel, serta menghapuskan sisa. Air turut melindungi sendi serta mengawal organ dan tisu. Tanpa makanan, manusia dapat hidup selama lapan minggu, tetapi tanpa air manusia akan mati dalam masa tiga hari. Jumlah air yang hilang sebagai keringat adalah berbeza-beza antara seseorang dengan seseorang yang lain. Hal ini bergantung juga pada suasana sekitar, tahap kegiatan, dan saiz badan. Dalam kegiatan biasa, kita mengeluarkan kira-kira 500-600 ml peluh sehari. Input air perlulah sekurang-kurangnya sama dengan output air. Orang dewasa biasanya memerlukan air antara 8-12 gelas sehari. Jumlah air yang diperlukan oleh kanak-kanak pula bergantung pada umur, berat,
dan kegiatan fizikal mereka. Oleh sebab saiz tubuh mereka adalah kecil, mereka akan mengalami pendehidratan yang cepat. Selain itu, keperluan air meningkat sekiranya kita banyak menghabiskan masa di luar rumah dalam cuaca panas, kerap bersenam, atau berada dalam bilik yang berhawa dingin. Meminum minuman yang bersih dan selamat adalah penting kerana kebanyakan penyakit adalah bawaan air. Masa yang terbaik bagi kita untuk minum air ialah sebelum kita berasa dahaga.
dan kegiatan fizikal mereka. Oleh sebab saiz tubuh mereka adalah kecil, mereka akan mengalami pendehidratan yang cepat. Selain itu, keperluan air meningkat sekiranya kita banyak menghabiskan masa di luar rumah dalam cuaca panas, kerap bersenam, atau berada dalam bilik yang berhawa dingin. Meminum minuman yang bersih dan selamat adalah penting kerana kebanyakan penyakit adalah bawaan air. Masa yang terbaik bagi kita untuk minum air ialah sebelum kita berasa dahaga.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
boleh hidup selama tiga hari tanpa air.
The average person engaged in average activity in a temperate climate can live for three days without water. No exceptions. It’s also a fact that the average person requires at least a half-gallon of water a day to maintain functional health. This can vary depending on age, weight and activity but stands as a viable average. Any less begins to compromise certain biological systems.
water rust prolem?
Before that, try to check that the water supply is not enough. Clean it means that it is necessary to free chlorine and the impurities from the home pipes. Not what, the water supply is really important. Although sometimes we notice that the water is clean, try to differentiate with the filtered water even if the water is cooked.
Very noticeable !! Why do I say very well? Because my 6-year-old son knows to differentiate. Before that, I just bought water from the outside, the one that put the coin, a bottle of RM2.00 more. Once, the water supply is running out, so I get water directly from the pipe. My son is ready to complain .. he said the water was like that day.
In fact, clean water is very important for our body. Not only for babies and children, but also for adults. Water pipes in our homes are actually polluted with chlorine and also rust that we do not see even though it looks clean.
Chlorine hazard to the human body:
Become toxic to the human body when inhaled
Corrosive to human tissue
Extremely dangerous and can form chemical hazards if acting with acetylene, ether, ammonia gases and hydrogen
Become toxic to the human body when inhaled
Corrosive to human tissue
Extremely dangerous and can form chemical hazards if acting with acetylene, ether, ammonia gases and hydrogen
Rust hazard to the human body
The process of corrosion occurs when water passes through an iron pipeline. Perhaps with this rust's eye is not visible, but if you have a water filter at home you will see how quickly the filter becomes dirty (rust color). Every day we drink rusty water. Water pipes not only contain the above substances, but too many contaminants are contained in water and dozens of toxic types such as Arsenic, Methionate, Lead, Mercury and many other sediments from fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides and waste industry
The process of corrosion occurs when water passes through an iron pipeline. Perhaps with this rust's eye is not visible, but if you have a water filter at home you will see how quickly the filter becomes dirty (rust color). Every day we drink rusty water. Water pipes not only contain the above substances, but too many contaminants are contained in water and dozens of toxic types such as Arsenic, Methionate, Lead, Mercury and many other sediments from fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides and waste industry
In short, our tap water contains a variety of hazardous materials that can poison human beings quietly.
Friday, January 19, 2018
Importance of water
The quality of the water we drink affects the quality of water contained in our body. Our body contains cells. Likewise with bacteria. Water loss causes us to lose energy without any water, blood can not flow, oxygen and nourishment can not be transported, residues can not be removed and organs can not function properly. If chlorine kills bacteria, what do you expect chlorine effect on our body cells? Results of studies linking chlorine byproducts and chlorination to bladder cancer, liver, abdomen, rectum and intestine include heart disease, atherosclerosis (blood vessel hardening), anemia (red blood cells), high blood pressure and allergic reactions. It also causes damage to the skin and hair. There is only one answer - remove chlorine from drinking water & food. Water borne diseases such as Year, Typhoid Fever, Infectious Hepatitis, Gastric and Intestine, Eye Inflammation, diarrheal diseases, skin poisoning, cancer and ulcer. The main sign of water deficiency is headaches, difficulty in sleep, fatigue, and less susceptibility. Therefore, we need to drink healthy and quality water without being affected by contaminated items, otherwise it will only worsen the situation. Perhaps for most of us, water does not seem to play a very important role. But in fact water, besides oxygen, is the most important ingredient required by every human being throughout his life. Unfortunately water is often neglected in the diet, especially in children. In recent studies in Hong Kong, only 50 percent of those surveyed drink eight glasses of water a day. The others drink only when thirsty. In fact, we need to pay attention to the good of drinking water and to encourage children to do so. The practice of drinking enough water will prevent the occurrence of dehydration and maintain the practice of urinating. In addition, skin and hair health will be maintained. We get water from liquids like tap water, milk, fruit juice, cordial, soft drinks and soup. Foods such as rice, bread, noodles, fruits, and vegetables also have some water though not enough to meet our liquid requirements. Water forms about 55-57 percent of our body weight and plays an important role in almost every major function of the body. Water regulates body temperature as well as bringing nutrients and oxygen to the cells, as well as removing waste. Water also protects the joints and controls the organs and tissues. Without food, humans can live for eight weeks, but without human water will die within three days. The amount of water lost as sweat varies from person to person. It also depends on the surroundings, activity levels, and body size. In normal activities, we produce about 500-600 ml of sweat a day. The water input should be at least equal to the water output. Adults usually need water between 8-12 glasses a day. The amount of water needed by the child depends on age, weight,
and their physical activity. Since their body size is small, they will experience rapid dehydration. In addition, water needs increase if we spend a lot of time outdoors in hot weather, regularly exercising, or in an air-conditioned room. Drinking clean and safe drinks is important as most diseases are water-borne. The best time for us to drink water is before we get thirsty.
Kepentingan air
Tubuh kita mengandungi lebih kurang 70% air.
Mutu air yang kita minum mempengaruhi mutu air yang terkandung di dalam tubuh kita.Tubuh kita mengandungi sel-sel. Begitu juga dengan bakteria.Kehilangan air mengakibatkan kita kehilangan tahap tenagaTanpa air, darah tidak dapat mengalir, oksigen dan khasiat-khasiat tidak dapat diangkut, sisa-sisa kumuhan tidak dapat disingkirkan dan organ badan tidak dapat berfungsi dengan lancar. Jikalau klorin membunuh bakteria, apakah yang anda jangkakan kesan klorin keatas sel-sel tubuh kita ? Hasil kajian menghubungkan produk sampingan klorin dan pengklorinan kepada kanser pundi kencing, hati, perut, rectum dan usus termasuklah penyakit jantung, atherosclerosis ( pengerasan saluran darah ), anemia ( kekurangan sel darah merah ), tekanan darah tinggi dan reaksi alahan. Ianya juga menyebabkan kerosakan kepada kulit dan rambut. Hanya terdapat satu jawapan - singkirkan klorin daripada air minuman & makanan. Penyakit bawaan air seperti Taun, Demam Kepialu, Hepatitis Berjangkit,Radang Perut dan Usus, Radang Membran Mata, penyakit-penyakit berkaitan cirit-birit, keracunan kulit, kanser dan ulser. Tanda utama kekurangan air adalah seperti pening kepala, kesukaran untuk tidur, keletihan, dan kurang daya kepekaan.Oleh yang demikian, kita perlu minum air yang sihat dan berkualiti tanpa dipengaruhi barangan tercemar, jika tidak ia hanya akan memburukkan lagi keadaan. Mungkin bagi kebanyakan kita, air seolah-olah tidak memainkan peranan yang begitu penting. Namun pada hakikatnya air, selain oksigen, merupakan bahan yang paling penting yang diperlukan oleh setiap manusia sepanjang hayatnya. Malangnya air sering diabaikan dalam diet, terutamanya di kalangan kanak-kanak. Dalam kajian yang dilakukan di Hong Kong baru-baru ini, hanya 50 peratus daripada mereka yang ditinjau minum air sebanyak lapan gelas sehari. Manakala, yang lain-lainnya hanya minum apabila berasa dahaga saja. Sebenarnya, kita perlu memberikan perhatian terhadap kebaikan minum air dan menggalakkan kanak-kanak berbuat sedemikian. Amalan minum air yang cukup akan dapat menghindarkan berlakunya pendehidtratan dan mengekalkan amalan membuang air besar. Di samping itu, kesihatan kulit dan rambut akan terjaga. Kita memperoleh air daripada cecair seperti air paip, susu, jus buah-buahan, kordial, minuman ringan dan sup. Makanan seperti nasi, roti, mi, buah-buahan, dan sayur-sayuran turut mempunyai sedikit air walaupun tidak cukup untuk memenuhi keperluan cecair kita. Air membentuk kira-kira 55-57 peratus daripada berat badan kita dan mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam hampir setiap fungsi utama badan. Air melaraskan suhu badan di samping membawa nutrien dan oksigen ke sel, serta menghapuskan sisa. Air turut melindungi sendi serta mengawal organ dan tisu. Tanpa makanan, manusia dapat hidup selama lapan minggu, tetapi tanpa air manusia akan mati dalam masa tiga hari. Jumlah air yang hilang sebagai keringat adalah berbeza-beza antara seseorang dengan seseorang yang lain. Hal ini bergantung juga pada suasana sekitar, tahap kegiatan, dan saiz badan. Dalam kegiatan biasa, kita mengeluarkan kira-kira 500-600 ml peluh sehari. Input air perlulah sekurang-kurangnya sama dengan output air. Orang dewasa biasanya memerlukan air antara 8-12 gelas sehari. Jumlah air yang diperlukan oleh kanak-kanak pula bergantung pada umur, berat,
dan kegiatan fizikal mereka. Oleh sebab saiz tubuh mereka adalah kecil, mereka akan mengalami pendehidratan yang cepat. Selain itu, keperluan air meningkat sekiranya kita banyak menghabiskan masa di luar rumah dalam cuaca panas, kerap bersenam, atau berada dalam bilik yang berhawa dingin. Meminum minuman yang bersih dan selamat adalah penting kerana kebanyakan penyakit adalah bawaan air. Masa yang terbaik bagi kita untuk minum air ialah sebelum kita berasa dahaga.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Water Pollution Must Stop
Water Pollution Must Stop
Malaysia is a beautiful country. The green wilderness is blue and the sea is clear and clear. Of course, one of these "beautiful" faces, the river becomes ugly due to a few acts irresponsible members of society. In our country, already have some contaminated river streams. This situation is getting serious. There are many people living on the banks of the river throwing rubbish into the rivers every day. Later, our river water becomes cloudy, not clear again. Therefore, the authorities must take some steps to overcome this problem. Before all the rivers across the country are destroyed, the warning boards that are marked by the slogan "Love Our River" have been installed on the banks of the river. The government will not succeed without cooperation all members of society. Remember, people still rely on river water as a source of daily drinks. So, starting today, the slogan "Love Our River" should be nurtured to everyone before the rice becomes porridge.
Pencemaran Air Harus Dihentikan
Pencemaran Air Harus Dihentikan

Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Forests and water
Forest is one of the important ecosystems as it contains over 60 percent of the world's diversity of lives. Forest interests include ecological functions in terms of soil and basin protection, economics, to "Peparu Bumi" as green plants absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and release oxygen to the atmosphere. The forest is also a water catchment area that serves as a flood control. Unfortunately, deforestation of highland forests nowadays not only destroys nature but also destroys "cloud forest" which can lead to the loss of precious water resources.
Destruction of hill forest can lead to loss of abundant water resources without trees , most of the moisture in the air will remain in place until the rainy season takes place. And without thick forest areas, whatever moisture in the atmosphere will be exposed to wind systems that will bring the moisture to another place and release it to the sea.
air dan hutan
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Dirty Bolemo
Scattering from the heavy rain that struck the Boalemo District resulted in the water source of the Water Supply Company (PDAM) being dirty for the last 3 days.
Citizens who are PDAM customers complain that the water has become turbid and mixed with mud.
As Zulkifli Idrus said, residents of Tilamuta said that over the past few days the water was so dirty that it was not feasible to be consumed, "Do not drink, just take a shower," Zulkfili said.
However, residents have admitted that the water condition is slowly getting better because PDAM Boalemo is confirmed that it has directed 20 technical personnel to clean the standard water treatment ponds that are affected by mud water.
"We hope to PDAM to take early anticipation so that every rainy season will remain clear. At least if the dirty water does not last for a few days like this, "protested Zulkifli.
DIRECTOR OF PDAM Boalemo through Headof Engineering and Development, Abdulrahman A.
Yusuf confirmed that if the rainy season as it is currently a PDAM constraint is in the intake which is the starting point system of raw water consumption.
"3 days ago, heavy rainfall occurred on the upstream of the Piloliyanga river resulting in the intake of PDAM buried sand and gravel material so that 12 inch diameter transmission pipes were clogged.
For our countdown it takes 2 days because it remembers enough distance away with heavy terrain so the dredging of the material is done manually by involving 20 technical people, "he explained.
Abdurahman hopes to PDAM customers in the Boalemo region so that in the rainy season can be familiar with technical issues.
"If the normal distribution of water is sufficient to accommodate the reservoir so that at times there is a disturbance that we can not make sure because the people's natural factors still have water reserves," he explained. (Tr-30 / hg)
Bolemo Kotor
Imbas dari hujan deras yang melanda wilayah Kabupaten Boalemo mengakibatkan sumber air Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) menjadi kotor selama 3 hari belakangan ini.
Warga yang merupakan pelanggan PDAM pun mengeluh air sudah menjadi keruh dan bercampur lumpur.
Seperti yang dikatakan Zulkifli Idrus, warga Tilamuta bahwa selama beberapa hari terakhir ini air PDAM sudah kotor sehingga tidak layak untuk dikonsumsi, “Jangankan mau diminum, mau mandi saja tidak layak,” ungkap Zulkfili.
Meski demikian, warga mengakui bahwa kondisi air perlahan mulai membaik karena PDAM Boalemo pun terkonfirmasi sudah mengarahkan 20 tenaga teknis membersihkan bak penampungan air baku yang terkena air lumpur.
“Kami berharap kepada pihak PDAM agar melakukan antisipasi dini agar setiap musim penghujan kondisi air tetap jernih. Minimal kalau airnya kotor tidak berlangsung beberapa hari seperti ini,” protes Zulkifli.
DIrektur PDAM Boalemo melalui Kepala bidang Teknik dan Pengembangan, Abdulrahman A. Yusuf membenarkan jika musim penghujan seperti saat ini kendala PDAM ada pada intake yang merupakan sistem titik awal pengambilan air baku.
“3 hari lalu, hujan lebat terjadi di hulu sungai Piloliyanga mengakibatkan intake PDAM tertimbun material pasir dan kerikil sehingga pipa transmisi diameter 12 inch tersumbat.
Untuk penanggulangan kami membutuhkan waktu 2 hari karena mengingat jarak cukup jauh dengan medan yang cukup berat sehingga pengerukan material tersebut dikerjakan secara manual dengan melibatkan 20 orang bidang teknik,” terangnya.
Abdurahman berharap kepada pelanggan PDAM di wilayah Boalemo agar pada musim hujan bisa memaklumi masalah teknis.
“Apabila pendistribusian air normal agar melakukan penampungan yang secukupnya sehingga pada waktu ada gangguan yang tidak bisa kita pastikan karena faktor alam masyarakat masih tetap memiliki cadangan air,” jelasnya.(Tr-30/hg)
Saturday, January 13, 2018
dirty ice factory
SHAH ALAM - The Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) calls on the public to report any ice factory operating without serious hygiene.
Health Director-General Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, to facilitate it to monitor and take action against the premises.
"We noted the Sinar Harian newspaper report on Oct 10 and 11 on ice claims sold in the market were dirty and feared could affect consumers' health.
"We would like to emphasize under Regulation 394A, Food Regulations 1985 that all ice plants need to be licensed by the MOH and any unlicensed ice factory will be subjected to enforcement action," he said in a statement today.
In this case, he explained, the owners of ice plants operating without a license from MOH can be fined not more than RM5,000 or imprisonment not exceeding two years.
It is learned that up to now, there are 118 licensed ice plants with MOH nationwide while 21 ice factories are still in the process of license approval.
"The MOH is also conducting regular monitoring of ice plants operating in the country to ensure ice manufacturers comply with the rules set.
"Among the important things that are being checked and should be followed by ice plant operators are that there is no on-premises animal, clean equipment, clean water resources, clean ice handling practices and food operators who get an anti-typhoid injection," he said.
In 2015, a total of 304 inspections on ice plants were conducted and 17 ice factories were enforced.
Meanwhile, in 2016 up to August, 225 inspections on ice plants were conducted and 25 ice factories were enforced.
Consumers who have information on ice plants operating in dirty conditions may report with the location information and the name of the plant concerned to MOH through the District Health Office (PKD) or the nearest Health Department (JKN).
Health Director-General Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, to facilitate it to monitor and take action against the premises.
"We noted the Sinar Harian newspaper report on Oct 10 and 11 on ice claims sold in the market were dirty and feared could affect consumers' health.
"We would like to emphasize under Regulation 394A, Food Regulations 1985 that all ice plants need to be licensed by the MOH and any unlicensed ice factory will be subjected to enforcement action," he said in a statement today.
In this case, he explained, the owners of ice plants operating without a license from MOH can be fined not more than RM5,000 or imprisonment not exceeding two years.
It is learned that up to now, there are 118 licensed ice plants with MOH nationwide while 21 ice factories are still in the process of license approval.
"The MOH is also conducting regular monitoring of ice plants operating in the country to ensure ice manufacturers comply with the rules set.
"Among the important things that are being checked and should be followed by ice plant operators are that there is no on-premises animal, clean equipment, clean water resources, clean ice handling practices and food operators who get an anti-typhoid injection," he said.
In 2015, a total of 304 inspections on ice plants were conducted and 17 ice factories were enforced.
Meanwhile, in 2016 up to August, 225 inspections on ice plants were conducted and 25 ice factories were enforced.
Consumers who have information on ice plants operating in dirty conditions may report with the location information and the name of the plant concerned to MOH through the District Health Office (PKD) or the nearest Health Department (JKN).
kilang ais kotor
SHAH ALAM - Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) meminta orang ramai melaporkan mana-mana kilang ais yang beroperasi tanpa menitik berat soal kebersihan.

"Kami mengambil maklum laporan akhbar Sinar Harian pada 10 dan 11 Oktober lalu mengenai dakwaan ais yang dijual di pasaran adalah kotor dan dikhuatiri boleh menjejaskan kesihatan pengguna.
"Kami ingin menegaskan di bawah Peraturan 394A, Peraturan-Peraturan Makanan 1985 semua kilang ais perlu dilesenkan oleh KKM dan mana-mana kilang ais yang tidak berlesen akan dikenakan tindakan penguatkuasaan," katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.
Dalam hal ini, jelasnya, pemilik kilang ais yang beroperasi tanpa lesen dari KKM boleh dikenakan denda tidak melebihi RM5,000 atau penjara tidak melebihi dua tahun.
Difahamkan, sehingga kini, terdapat 118 kilang ais berlesen dengan KKM di seluruh negara manakala 21 kilang ais masih dalam proses kelulusan lesen.
"KKM juga sentiasa menjalankan pemantauan ke atas kilang ais yang beroperasi di negara ini bagi memastikan pengilang ais mematuhi peraturan yang telah ditetapkan.
"Di antara perkara penting yang diperiksa dan perlu dipatuhi oleh pengusaha kilang ais adalah seperti tiada haiwan di premis, peralatan yang bersih, sumber air yang bersih, amalan pengendalian ais yang bersih dan pengendali makanan yang mendapat suntikan anti-tifoid," ujarnya lagi.
Pada tahun 2015, sebanyak 304 pemeriksaan ke atas kilang ais telah dijalankan dan 17 kilang ais telah diambil tindakan penguatkuasaan.
Manakala pada tahun 2016 sehingga bulan Ogos, sebanyak 225 pemeriksaan ke atas kilang ais telah dijalankan dan 25 kilang ais telah diambil tindakan penguatkuasaan.
Pengguna yang mempunyai maklumat kilang ais yang beroperasi dalam keadaan yang kotor boleh membuat laporan berserta maklumat lokasi dan nama kilang berkenaan kepada KKM melalui Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah (PKD) atau Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri (JKN) terdekat.
Friday, January 12, 2018
dirty water 2
Water Pollution Water Pollution is a very serious event for us. If the water we drink is not clean, our health will also be affected. This water pollution is due to all human production. Mereaka always throws rubbish into the river causing our river water to become dirty. The river is our water source. If the river becomes dirty, the water we drink is also not clean. The picture on the right is the river that has been polluted. There, there is a lot of waste that is wasted in the river. The flower in this picture is so dirty. It has become black after being polluted by the garbage. Another factor that causes contaminated water is the action of a small or large plant or company that removes the waste of their product. If food waste does not matter, but this is in other forms like oil and toxic material. This factor also contributes to water pollution and water destruction. In addition, human action is also one of the factors that cause this water pollution to occur. The human rights violations that always throw litter into the river. They do not know much of the aquatic life in the river wants to carry on with life difficult. People also throw garbage- waste into the river continuously. This will also cause our water to become dirty. Based on everything related to water pollution. The community should change the irresponsible attitude of the people. They should help the government overcome the problem instead of contributing.
Pencemaran Air
Pencemaran Air
Pencemaran Air merupakan sesuatu kejadian yang amat serious kepada kita.Jika air yang kita minum tidak bersih,kesihatan kita juga akan terjejas.Pencemaran air ini berlaku kerana semuanya pembuatan manusia.Mereaka sentiasa membuang sampah-sarap ke dalam sungai memyebabkan sungai air kita menjadi kotor.Sungai ialah sumber air kita .Kalau sungai menjadi kotor,air yang kita minum itu juga tidak bersih. Gambar di sebelah kanan ini ialah sungai yang telah tercemar.Di situ,ada banyak sampah yang terbuang di dalam sungai.Sungai di dalam gambar ini sangat kotor .Ia sudah menjadi hitam setelah dicemarkan oleh sampah-sarap.
Satu lagi faktor menyebabkan air tercemar ialah tindakan kilang atau perusahaan kecil mahupun besar yang membuang sisa produk mereka.Jika sisa makanan tidak mengapa,tetapi ini dalam bentuk lain seperti minyak dan bahan beracun.Faktor ini juga penyumbang kepada pencemaran air dan kemusnahan air. Selain itu,tindakan manusia juga merupakan salah satu faktor yang memyebabkan pencemaran air ini berlaku.Kezaliman tindakan manusia yang sentiasa membuang sampah-sarap ke dalam sungai.Mereka tidak tahu banyak hidupan akuatik di dalam sungai ingin meneruskan kehidupan dengan susah.Manusia juga membuang sampah-sampah ke dalam sungai secara berterusan.Ini juga akan memyebabkan air kita memjadi kotor. Berdasarkan semuanya yang berkaitan dengan pencemaran air .Masyarakat seharusnya mengubah sikap hidup tidak bertanggungjawab itu.Mereka sepatutnya membantu kerajaan mengatasi masalah itu,bukanya sebagai pemyumbang.Syangilah air kita.
Satu lagi faktor menyebabkan air tercemar ialah tindakan kilang atau perusahaan kecil mahupun besar yang membuang sisa produk mereka.Jika sisa makanan tidak mengapa,tetapi ini dalam bentuk lain seperti minyak dan bahan beracun.Faktor ini juga penyumbang kepada pencemaran air dan kemusnahan air. Selain itu,tindakan manusia juga merupakan salah satu faktor yang memyebabkan pencemaran air ini berlaku.Kezaliman tindakan manusia yang sentiasa membuang sampah-sarap ke dalam sungai.Mereka tidak tahu banyak hidupan akuatik di dalam sungai ingin meneruskan kehidupan dengan susah.Manusia juga membuang sampah-sampah ke dalam sungai secara berterusan.Ini juga akan memyebabkan air kita memjadi kotor. Berdasarkan semuanya yang berkaitan dengan pencemaran air .Masyarakat seharusnya mengubah sikap hidup tidak bertanggungjawab itu.Mereka sepatutnya membantu kerajaan mengatasi masalah itu,bukanya sebagai pemyumbang.Syangilah air kita.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
faces dirty water
LEARN: Some 17,000 residents in the Matu District are facing a low water pressure problem. There is more danger than water coming from the pipeline to dirty houses like rivers after rain.
As a result, residents in the district are now so difficult to get clean water supply for everyday use even more so when people are fasting during Ramadan.
The problem of low pressure and poor water quality is not new to the population but the situation is becoming increasingly noticeable when it happens when people undergo fasting and by chance it is also a school holiday season which witnessed many residents returning to the village causing increasing use of the ordinary.
More sadly, residents in Kampung Tian in the same district are now facing dirty water problems and can not drink.
Consequently, residents are forced to spend more on buying bottled water (mineral water) as cooking and for breaking fast.

Quoting the nitizen disruption affected by the problem, most of them are angry with the current situation. And the lack of immediate action by the relevant parties to restore the situation makes the residents begin to lose patience and make the social media site a part of the release of what's on the heart to the party concerned.
A resident, Noralizza Arshad, said the population is now very worried if the water problem is delayed by Syawal.
"Today's crowds will be coming home at the village. At the same time, it will cause increased water consumption. If no immediate steps are taken, this year's Hari Raya celebration will be retarded and not before.
"I represent the residents here to appeal to the relevant authorities to take immediate action to resolve the water problem we are facing. If there is no other way please send clean water to us in any way with the lorikah, with the capai. The important thing is there is a source for clean water, "he said.
According to a resident who only wants to be known as Rohani Shatu, the entire residents of Matu District receive water from the water treatment plant located at the head of Kampung Tian.
"Matu consists of several villages. The three villages have the highest population namely Kampung Sekaan, Bawang, and Tian. Kuala Matu is no exception.
"The population is so, so the plant is unable to meet the growing demand of the population. Efforts to enlarge the underground pipeline should be done promptly. Since the main pipeline built pipeline has never been upgraded or changed. This is among the causes that contribute to the problem of low and dirty water pressure.
"Rural Transformation Plan (RTP) has long been introduced. So our hope is to bring the RTP to this troubled district to generate change and development currents for us here. Water is a basic requirement that can not be taken lightly as well as infrastructure development such as roads and electricity, "he said.
Add Spiritual again, the absence of clean water increases the burden of the population. Residents need to buy bottled water. The water is priced from RM 9 to RM12 (a box, 12 bottles, 1.5 liters).
"To buy water another burden that needs to be borne by the poor and also for the elderly," he explained.
The expectation of the population now, the problem that has hit the Matu District will get due attention from the authorities in the near future.
Kampung Tian hadapi air kotor
MATU: Sebahagian daripada 17,000 penduduk di Daerah Matu kini berdepan dengan masalah tekanan air yang rendah. Lebih perit lagi ada ketikanya air yang keluar dari saluran paip ke rumah penduduk kotor seperti air sungai selepas hujan.
Ekoran daripada keadaan tersebut penduduk di daerah berkenaan kini begitu sukar untuk mendapat bekalan air bersih yang untuk kegunaan seharian lebih-lebih lagi dalam ketika penduduk menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadan sekarang.
Masalah tekanan rendah dan kualiti air yang teruk bukan perkara baharu bagi penduduk namun keadaan tersebut kini kian meruncing apabila ia berlaku ketika penduduk menjalani ibadah puasa dan secara kebetulan juga kini musim cuti sekolah yang menyaksikan ramai penduduk yang balik bercuti di kampung menyebabkan penggunaan bertambah dari biasa.
Lebih menyedihkan lagi, penduduk di Kampung Tian dalam daerah yang sama kini berdepan masalah air kotor dan dan tidak dapat diminum.
Akibatnya, penduduk terpaksa mengeluarkan perbelanjaan lebih untuk membeli air minuman botol (air mineral) sebagai kegunaan memasak dan untuk berbuka puasa.

Seorang penduduk, Noralizza Arshad berkata, penduduk kini amat bimbang jika masalah air yang dialami berlarutan sehingga menjelang Syawal.
“Hari Raya ramai yang akan pulang berhari raya di kampung.Sekali gus akan menyebabkan peningkatan penggunaan air. Jika tiada langkah segera diambil sambutan Hari Raya tahun ini akan terencat dan tidak semeriah sebelum ini.
“Saya mewakili penduduk di sini merayu kepada pihak berkenaan agar dapat bertindak segera untuk menyelesaikan masalah air yang dihadapi kami sini. Jika tiada cara lain tolonglah hantar air bersih untuk kami dengan apa cara sekalipun dengan lorikah, dengan kapalkah. Yang penting penduduk ada sumber untuk dapat air bersih,” ujarnya.
Menurut seorang penduduk yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Rohani Shatu, seluruh penduduk Daerah Matu menerima bekalan air dari loji perawatan air yang terletak di hulu Kampung Tian.
“Matu terdiri daripada beberapa kampung. Tiga kampung memiliki penduduk tertinggi iaitu Kampung Sekaan, Bawang, dan Tian. Tidak terkecuali Kuala Matu.
“Penduduk ramai, jadi loji sudah tidak mampu memenuhi permintaan penduduk yang kian bertambah. Usaha memperbesar saluran paip induk bawah tanah perlu dilakukan dengan kadar segera. Sejak loji air dibina saluran paip utama belum pernah dinaik taraf atau ditukar. Ini menjadi antara sebab yang menyumbang kepada masalah tekanan air rendah dan kotor.
“Rancangan Transformasi Luar Bandar (RTP) telah lama diperkenalkan. Jadi harapan kami bawalah RTP ke daerah bermasalah ini bagi menjana perubahan dan pembawa arus pembangunan untuk kami di sini. Air adalah keperluan asas yang tidak boleh dipandang enteng selain pembangunan prasarana seperti jalan raya dan juga elektrik,” ujarnya.
Tambah Rohani lagi, ketiadaan air bersih menambah bebanan penduduk. Penduduk perlu membeli air minuman dalam botol. Air berkenaan berharga dari RM 9 hingga RM12 (sekotak, 12 botol, 1.5 liter).
“Terpaksa membeli air satu lagi beban yang perlu ditanggung penduduk yang kurang mampu dan juga bagi golongan warga emas,” jelasnya.
Harapan penduduk kini, masalah yang sedang melanda Daerah Matu akan mendapat perhatian sewajarnya daripada pihak berwajib dalam masa terdekat.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
red soil collapse
A daily routine of more than 1,000 residents in Kampung Nibong and Kampung Wakaf Simen, near here, has been hit harder for more than two months, when their main source of contaminated water supplies is allegedly due to logging activities.
Disappointed after no action had been taken, although complaints had been made to the relevant parties, residents of the two villages gathered peacefully to protest against the logging activity here, yesterday.
The Nibong Water Net Committee chairman Kamaruzaman Derahman, 51, claimed that logging activities on Bukit Kemahang caused a watershed or marker catchment which became the main source of water supply for the affected population.
His story, the logging activity caused the water supply to become turbid and cluttered, especially after the rain and the situation would last for several days.
"The problem of dirty water and can not be used immediately causes people to buy mineral water for daily use and this condition is definitely burdening the villagers," he said, yesterday.
Kamaruzaman claimed that the problem arose several days before Ramadan, when the parties started logging activities in the quarry sector owned by a quarry mining company on the hill.
"Some complaints have been made including sending a letter of protest to the state forestry office and State Land and Mines Office on Aug 7 but until today, no action was taken," he said.
A resident, Hassan Mohamad, 43, claimed that the problem was also complained to the quarry company, but the party ignored the hardship of the people.
"For me, there are many children who are still in school, the problem of dirty water is very troublesome especially to wash their school clothes so they have to send them to the laundry.
"For those who can not afford to send a laundry shop, they have to overtake the wells or boring water of the neighbors but are also ashamed that every day," he said, there were six children.
Hence, he urged the authorities to take action to overcome the problem including stopping logging activities in areas near the water mark.
For Mastura Harun, the problem of murky and wrinkled water caused her son's school clothes to be yellow, and even the water could not be used to take ablution for being too dirty.
"I asked the parties to bring us back the water and do not disturb the water spill which is our main source of water supply since decades ago," he said.
Hasnah Mohamad was unable to resist her when she told her difficulty because of the problem of dirty water, which is like the color of tea.
"I can not afford to live in such a condition as to wash clothes and can not afford to buy mineral water for daily use," he said.
runtin tanah merah

Kecewa selepas tiada tindakan diambil walaupun aduan sudah dibuat kepada pihak berkenaan, penduduk dua kampung terbabit berhimpun secara aman bagi membantah kegiatan pembalakan itu, di sini, semalam.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Air Bersih Kampung Nibong, Kamaruzaman Derahman, 51, mendakwa, aktiviti pembalakan di atas Bukit Kemahang itu menyebabkan kawasan tadahan air bukit atau tandak yang menjadi sumber utama bekalan air penduduk terjejas.
Dakwanya, aktiviti pembalakan itu menyebabkan bekalan air penduduk menjadi keruh dan berselut, terutama selepas hujan dan keadaan itu akan berlarutan selama beberapa hari.
“Masalah air kotor dan langsung tidak boleh diguna ini menyebabkan penduduk terpaksa membeli air mineral untuk kegunaan harian dan keadaan ini sudah pasti membebankan penduduk kampung,” dakwanya, semalam.
Kamaruzaman mendakwa, masalah itu mula timbul beberapa hari menjelang Ramadan lalu, apabila pihak terbabit mula menjalankan aktiviti pembalakan di sektor kuari milik sebuah syarikat perlombongan kuari batu atas bukit berkenaan.
“Beberapa aduan dibuat termasuk menghantar surat bantahan kepada pejabat perhutanan serta Pejabat Tanah dan Galian (PTG) negeri pada 7 Ogos lalu tetapi sehingga hari ini, masih tiada tindakan diambil,” katanya.
Seorang penduduk, Hassan Mohamad, 43, mendakwa, masalah itu turut diadukan kepada syarikat kuari terbabit, namun pihak berkenaan tidak mengendahkan kesusahan dialami penduduk.
“Bagi saya yang ada ramai anak yang masih bersekolah, masalah air kotor amat menyusahkan terutama untuk membasuh baju sekolah anak sehingga terpaksa hantar ke kedai dobi.
“Bagi penduduk yang tak mampu nak hantar kedai dobi, mereka terpaksa tumpang guna air telaga atau air boring milik jiran tetapi malu juga kalau setiap hari nak menumpang,” katanya yang ada enam anak.
Justeru, dia merayu pihak berwajib supaya ambil tindakan bagi mengatasi masalah itu termasuk memberhentikan kegiatan pembalakan di kawasan berhampiran tandak air.
Bagi Mastura Harun, masalah air keruh dan berselut menyebabkan pakaian sekolah anaknya menjadi kuning, malah air sama tidak dapat digunakan untuk mengambil wuduk kerana terlalu kotor.
“Saya minta pihak terbabit ‘kembalikan’ semula air bersih kepada kami dan jangan ganggu kawasan tandak air yang jadi sumber utama bekalan air kami sejak berpuluh tahun lalu,” katanya.
Hasnah Mohamad pula tidak dapat menahan sebak apabila menceritakan kesukaran dihadapinya akibat daripada masalah air kotor itu yang warnanya diibaratkan seperti air teh.
“Saya dah tak sanggup nak hidup dalam keadaan seperti ini hinggakan nak basuh baju pun tak boleh dan terpaksa beli bertong-tong air mineral untuk kegunaan harian.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
The Photonya Becomes Viral, This Person Blows Head into Dirty Water to Fix the Pipe.
Seorang pembina di Acton, Texas, Amerika Syarikat, Jimmie Cox (23), tiba-tiba menjadi terkenal, ketika gambarnya diedarkan secara meluas di dunia maya.
Insiden ini bermula apabila Cox bekerja di rumah Andrea Adams, untuk membaiki paip peredaran air yang rosak dan menyebabkan banjir di kawasan rumah.
Ketika itulah, Cox menguburkan kepalanya ke pinggangnya ke dalam lopak air yang kotor untuk sampai ke lokasi paip yang patah, dengan alasan rumah Adams.
Seperti yang dilaporkan di halaman UPI.com, Andrea Adams kemudian menangkap gambar yang diklaimnya unik.
Dia kemudian memuat naiknya ke rangkaian sosial, Facebook. Adams mengakui, gambar itu segera menjadi virus.
Akhirnya, wanita itu terpaksa melumpuhkan akaun Facebooknya kerana foto itu, berikutan kemasukan banyak komen, mesej, dan 'suka' dari netizen.
"Saya juga menolak e-mel peribadi saya dan juga mendapat panggilan telefon dari seorang peguam di Atlanta yang memberitahu saya untuk menggunakan foto itu," katanya kepada saluran WFAA-TV.
Sementara itu, Cox mendakwa terkejut dengan populariti foto itu.
"Di dalam kerja saya, banyak orang melakukan perkara yang sama," katanya.
Foto itu terus tersebar di ruang siber. Banyak orang netizens memanggil Cox sebagai 'pahlawan'.
Fotonya Jadi Viral,Orang Ini Benamkan Kepala ke Air Kotor untuk Perbaiki Pipa.
Seorang tukang bangunan di Acton, Texas, Amerika Serikat, Jimmie Cox (23), tiba-tiba menjadi terkenal, ketika fotonya beredar luas di dunia maya.
Peristiwa ini berawal ketika Cox tengah bekerja di rumah Andrea Adams, untuk memperbaiki pipa sirkulasi air yang pecah dan menyebabkan banjir di areal rumah itu.
Saat itulah, Cox membenamkan kepala hingga pinggangnya ke dalam genangan air kotor untuk menjangkau lokasi pipa yang pecah, di pekarangan rumah Adams.
Seperti diberitakan laman UPI.com, Andrea Adams lantas mengabadikan gambar yang menurutnya unik tersebut.
Dia kemudian mengunggahnya ke jejaring sosial, Facebook. Adams mengaku, foto itu seketika menjadi viral.
Akhirnya, perempuan itu pun terpaksa menonaktifkan akun Facebooknya karena foto tersebut, menyusul masuknya banyak komentar, pesan, dan juga 'likes' dari netizen.
"Saya juga menonaktifkan email pribadi saya. Bahkan saya mendapatkan telepon dari seorang lawyer di Atlanta yang bilang mau memakai foto itu," kata dia kepada saluran WFAA-TV.
Sementara, Cox mengaku sangat terkejut dengan popularitas foto tersebut.
"Dalam pekerjaan saya ini, banyak orang melakukan hal serupa," sebutnya.
Foto itu terus tersebar di dunia maya. Banyak netizen menyebut Cox sebagai 'pahlawan'.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Type of Disease Caused By Water Pollution
Type of Disease Caused By Water Pollution
Water is the source of the lives of all living beings. When the water is polluted it will have a huge impact on the environment and living beings. Water plays an important role in maintaining the stability of the ecosystem. However, it is not uncommon for their environment to ignore that it causes ecosystem damage that has a bad impact on human life. Water pollution occurs by irresponsible parties who waste sewage or waste to the river. As a result, water becomes polluted and causes various diseases. There are 3 types of diseases caused by water pollution, below we will explain in detail.
Type of Disease Caused By Water Pollution

- Diare
This disease is caused by water pollution. Severe diarrhea can cause dehydration (loss of fluid) even death. Diarrhea can strike anyone, from children to elderly. To prevent diarrheal disease, it is advisable to drink before you drank water first to drink to kill bacterial bacteria in water.
Severe diarrhea is characterized by blood discharge, fever, vomiting and dysentery. Similar symptoms are also found in people suffering from cholera caused by bacteria vibrio chlorae or people infected with Amoebiasis.
- Penyakit hepatitis A
Quoting from Newhealthadvisor, Friday December 25, 2015 reveals that hepatitis A disease is caused by vius and invades your heart. Not only is it transmitted through contaminated water, hepatitis A disease can also be transmitted through direct contact with the patient.
Symptoms that cause it are diarrhea, stomachache, nausea, fatigue and depression. In addition to hepatitis, there are also diseases caused by viruses in polluted water ie polyomavirus and polio, where polyomavirus is a type of tumor that attacks humans and animals. While, polio is a virus that attacks the bloodstream and the nervous system.
Tin poisoning
- Tin poisoning
Tin kerosene can be caused by an old water pipe. Children exposed to lead poisoning will not only experience anemia and hypertension but also disorders of renal organs and reproductive organs. The rash, tin that enters the body can disturb the nervous system. Therefore, make sure you always change the water pipes regularly in a certain time.
Jenis Penyakit Pencemaran Air
Jenis Penyakit yang Disebabkan Oleh Pencemaran Air
Air merupakan sumber kehidupan semua makhluk hidup. Bila air tercemar maka akan berdampak besar pada lingkungan dan kehidupan makhluk hidup. Air memegang peranan penting dalam menjaga kestabilan ekosistem. Namun, tidak jarang kepedulian akan lingkungan mereka abaikan sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan ekosistem yang berdampak buruk bagi kehidupan manusia. Pencemaran air terjadi oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang seenaknya membuang limbah atau membuang sampah ke sungai. Hasilnya, air menjadi tercemar dan menimbulkan berbagai macam penyakit. Ada 3 jenis penyakit yang disebabkan oleh pencemaran air, berikut dibawah ini akan kami jelaskan dengan rinci.
Jenis Penyakit yang Disebabkan Oleh Pencemaran Air

- Diare
Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh pencemaran air. Diare yang sudah parah dapat menyebabkan dehidrasi (kehilangan cairan) bahkan kematian. Diare bisa menyerang siapa saja, mulai dari anak-anak hingga lansia. Untuk mencegah terjadinya penyakit diare, sebaiknya sebelum Anda meminum air tersebut rebuslah terlebih dahulu air yang akan diminum untuk membunuh kuman bakteri dalam air.
Diare yang sudah parah ditandai dengan keluarnya darah, demam, muntah dan disentri. Gejala serupa juga ditemukan pada orang yang terserang kolera yang disebabkan bakteri vibrio chlorae atau orang yang terserang Amoebiasis.
- Penyakit hepatitis A
Mengutip dari Newhealthadvisor, Jumat 25 Desember 2015 mengungkapkan bahwa penyakit hepatitis A disebabkan oleh vius dan menyerang hati Anda. Tidak hanya ditularkan melalui air yang tercemar, penyakit hepatitis A juga dapat ditularkan melalui kontak langsung dengan penderita.
Gejala yang ditimbulkannya yaitu diare, sakit perut, mual, kelelahan dan depresi. Selain hepatitis, ada juga penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus di air yang tercemar yaitu polyomavirus dan polio, dimana polyomavirus merupakan sejenis tumor yang menyerang manusia dan hewan. Sedangkan, polio merupakan virus yang menyerang aliran darah dan sistem saraf.
- Keracunan timah
Kercaunan timah bisa disebabkan oleh pipa air yang sudah tua. Anak-anak yang terkena keracunan timah bukan hanya akan mengalami anemia dan hipertensi namun juga gangguan pada organ ginjal dan organ reproduksi. Selan itu, timah yang masuk ke dalam tubuh dapat mengganggu sistem saraf. Oleh karena itu, pastikan Anda selalu mengganti pipa air secara teratur dalam waktu tertentu.
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Dirty river water like tea
Mahang River water flowing into Kampung Ulu Mahang and other villages should look crystal clear.
But a few days ago he changed color.

The water pollution also affected Tenaga Nasional Bhd's hydro-electric process along the river.
It is said to be due to uncontrolled sand mining and logging activities.
A businessman, Mohd Khairy Mohd Salleh, 46, said the villagers used the river water for daily use such as washing and planting.
"Now, the color of water like tea pull - even if the weather is good. Previously, the water was muddy on rainy days only," he explained.
In addition, the river is an alternative water supply to some 2,000 residents in Kampung Bukit Kabu, Kampung Kubur Kubur, Kampung Padang Kering and Kampung Charok Kedah as well as 3,000 residents in Kampung Ulu Mahan.
He hoped the authorities could control and restrict logging activities and land mining.
The Star is looking at the 10-kilometer route and seeing uphill eruptions run about 500 meters above sea level.
They also found timber storage before being taken out of Kampung Ulu Mahang.
The logging activity is licensed from Kedah's Perbadanan Menteri for only 200 hectares in the Mount Inas area.
A Energy worker said power generators had declined since the activity. Previously, 400kWh, now only 100Kwh due to lack of clean water.
Air sungai kotor macam teh
Air Sungai Mahang yang mengalir ke Kampung Ulu Mahang dan beberapa kampung lain sepatutnya kelihatan jernih.
Namun beberapa hari lalu ia berubah warna.

Pencemaran air itu turut menjejaskan proses hidro elektrik Tenaga Nasional Bhd sepanjang sungai tersebut.
Ia dikatakan berpunca daripada aktiviti perlombongan pasir dan pembalakan yang tidak dikawal.
Seorang ahli perniagaan, Mohd Khairy Mohd Salleh, 46, berkata, penduduk kampung menggunakan air sungai itu untuk kegunaan harian seperti membasuh dan menanam.
"Kini, warna air seperti teh tarik - walaupun cuaca baik. Sebelum ini, air keruh apabila hari hujan sahaja," jelasnya.
Tambahannya juga, sungai itu alternatif bekalan air kepada kira-kira 2,000 penduduk di Kampung Bukit Kabu, Kampung Bukit Kubur, Kampung Padang Kering dan Kampung Charok Kedah serta 3,000 penghuni di Kampung Ulu Mahan.
Dia berharap pihak berkuasa dapat mengawal dan menyekat aktiviti pembalakan dan pelombongan tanah.
The Star meninjau sejauh 10 kilometer laluan tersebut dan melihat pembersihan bukit giat dijalankan kira-kira 500 meter dari paras laut.
Mereka turut menjumpai tempat penyimpanan kayu balak sebelum dibawa keluar dari Kampung Ulu Mahang.
Aktiviti pembalakan itu mendapat lesen daripada Perbadanan Menteri Kedah untuk 200 hektar sahaja di kawasan Gunung Inas.
Seorang pekerja Tenaga berkata, penjana kuasa berkurangan sejak aktiviti itu. Sebelum ini 400kWh, sebalik sekarang hanya 100Kwh kerana kekurangan air bersih.
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