The PDAM Bekasi's poor water quality was felt over the last 3-4 days. In the morning, the water is dirty and brown. After a little afternoon it was dead at all. For certain areas still water is still flowing but very dirty, "said Mrs. Ani, a resident of Perum Harapan Baru, at his home in Bekasi Barat.
The poor quality of PDAM Bekasi water, he added, has been felt by residents since the beginning of this week. Every morning and evening, water PDAM flows very small and dirty. "In fact, we need some water for bathing and other housekeeping needs,"
How we want to eat, while the water is brownish. Just look it was amused, let alone drinking or cooking other kitchen needs. "We do not dare, for fear of polluting poison or other diseases," Yuni, another young mother.
About the PDAM's poor water quality Bekasi Municipality was once delivered by Ny Irma, a consumer, a New Hope citizen. He even complained to Bekasi PDAM's service office in Harapan Baru area.
"They already know and accept our complaints. However, until now there has been no realization of the repairs. Since morning, we have trouble getting water. For the sake of eating and drinking, PDAM Bekasi water is used to wash vegetables before cooking is also unfortunate. The water is dirty and brown, "said Irma.

Whether Ani or Irma agrees, PDAM Bekasi as one of the public service units must be consistent with their promise to improve service. "When PDAM Bekasi water died some time ago, they promised to improve service. But, now PDAM Bekasi water condition is bad and has been complained citizen, unfortunately there is no response as expected, "said Ani.
Bekasi PDAM added Irma, we repeatedly raised the water tariff it sold. If the payers are late, they will be disconnected. "But when PDAN defaults and gives bad quality water, PDAM Bekasi is silent. The protests submitted by citizens or consumers are not responded properly,
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