Thursday, December 28, 2017

Had to drink the dirty water of the Orang Asli roots rise against

DONEdrinking dirty water became one of the main causes of the Orang Asli Gua Musang, Kelantan rising against and resisting timber tauke from continuing logging activities at their residential placement.

The logging activity was previously alleged to have polluted the river being the source of water supply used by indigenous people to bathe, wash even for cooking and drinking.

Logging activities that do not take into account the pollution of the environment result in severe soil erosion, the eroded lands are also entering into rivers brought by land debris and rainwater flow causing the source of water to become very dirty.

One of the activists who entered the settlement had revealed video footage of how indigenous people had to drink dirty water to survive as logging activities had polluted their water sources.

The water they drink, their children, including newly born babies, are so dirty that they do not spill out like scalding water from the puddles after the rain.

If the child and his wife are forced to drink dirty water to survive, do not say the original, I am able to turn the bones against the logs and
anyone who conspires with them.

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